Text Classification

Topic Modeling

Both LSA and LDA are NLP techniques

  • use to create structure data from an unstructured data of text

LSA attempts to discover the underlying relationships between words,
LDA seeks to discover the underlying topics in a corpus of text


Performing Text Analysis

  1. Import the necessary libraries: I will need to import libraries such as pandas, numpy, nltk, and spaCy to perform various text analysis tasks.
  2. Load the CSV file: I will use the pandas library to load the CSV file into a dataframe.
  3. Preprocessing: I will preprocess the text data by removing punctuations, converting all text to lowercase, and removing stop words.
  4. Tokenization: I will tokenize the text data into individual words or phrases.
  5. Remove job titles and company names: I will remove job titles and company names from the text data to focus on the job descriptions and requirements.
  6. Lemmatization: I will use the nltk library to lemmatize the words in the text data, which will help to reduce words to their base or dictionary form.
  7. Vectorization: I will use the CountVectorizer or TfidfVectorizer from the scikit-learn library to convert the text data into numerical vectors.
  8. Clustering: I will use clustering algorithms such as K-Means or DBSCAN to group similar job listings together based on their text content.
  9. Visualization: I will use visualization tools such as matplotlib or seaborn to visualize the clusters of job listings and identify trends or patterns in the job market.
  10. Summarization: I will use summarization techniques such as summarization2 to summarize the job listings in each cluster, highlighting the key job requirements and responsibilities.

Created: 2024-03-01